
Academic Staff Research Expertise

Narattaphol Charoenphandhu
นรัตถพล เจริญพันธุ์

Distinguished Professor Dr.
ศาสตราจารย์อาวุโส ดร. นพ.

Academic Staff

Research output





Retrieved from Scopus at 14 July 2024


  • Physiology and biophysics (membrane biology and mathematical models of ion transport across the epithelia)
  • Calcium metabolism (epithelial calcium transport and endocrinology of calcium homeostasis)
  • Bone (bone imaging, bone histomorphometry, and bone cell biology)
  • Nutraceuticals and food science
  • Drug discovery (small molecule & biologics)
  • Clinical study (endocrinology & nutrition)
  • Advanced imaging technology (synchrotron and high-resolution radio/x-ray imaging)
  • Space biomedicine and microgravity-induced osteoporosis
  • Artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted chemical design and compound synthesis


  • Ph.D. (Physiology), Mahidol University, Thailand

    M.D. (First Class Honor), Mahidol University, Thailand

More Information

Contact Address

  • Department / School: Physiology / COCAB

  • Room: Pr409

  • Phone: (66 2) 201 5629

  • E-Mail: narattaphol.cha@mahidol.ac.th; naratt@narattsys.com

Listed by First Name
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Listed by Department
Anatomy || Biochemistry || Biology || Biotechnology || Chemistry || Mathematics || Microbiology
Pathobiology Pharmacology || Physics || Physiology || Plant Science
Materials Science and Innovation || Bioinnovation and Bio-based Product Intelligence || Office of the Dean || Rubber Technology Research Centre