The “Young Investigator Research Forum: First Meet” was held on 19 February 2020 at the Stang Mongkolsuk Conference Room, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University. The event was aimed to give an opportunity for young researchers and lecturers who have worked for 7 years or less, to form a network and share experiences. On this occasion, Dean Palangpon Kongsaeree, and Assistant Dean for Research and Innovation Assoc. Prof. Pasit Pakawatpanurut, listened to the needs and the obstacles, brought up by more than 70 attendants, where as the latters were informed of the opportunities, research policy and direction for the future of Faculty of Science.
Sethavudh Kaewviset
International Cooperation Office
Reviewed by Associate Professor Dr. Rutaiwan Tohtong
Deputy Dean for Corporate Communication