International Journal Publications : Year 2007
Journal Quality Criteria
* = corresponding author
Databases used for journal evaluation : Web of Science (WOS) / JCR : Science Edition 2005
Total Times Cited : Search from Scopus database (Last Updated April 2009)
Result : 300 records
- Achayuthakan P, Suphantharika
M, Rao MA*. Yield stress
components of waxy corn starch–xanthan
mixtures: Effect of xanthan concentration
and different starches. Carbohyd
Polym Sep 2006;65(4):469-78.
Department : Biotechnology
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Name : Carbohydrate Polymers
/ IF = 1.583
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, SCOPUS
Cited from Scopus
- Akanitapichat P*, Wangmaneerat
A, Wilairat
P, Bastow KF. Anti-herpes
virus activity of Dunbaria bella Prain. J
Ethnopharmacol Apr 2006;105(1-2):64-8.
Department : Biochemistry
Status : Academic Staff
Name : Journal of Ethnopharmacology
/ IF = 1.554
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, SCOPUS
Times Cited from Scopus
- Aketarawong N,
Bonizzoni M, Malacrida AR, Gasperi
G, Thanaphum
S*. Seventeen novel
microsatellite markers from an enriched
library of the pest species Bactrocera
dorsalis sensu stricto. Mol
Ecol Notes Dec 2006;6(4):1138-40.
Department : Biotechnology
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Name : Molecular Ecology Notes
/ IF = 1.219
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
Cited from Scopus
- Amornsamankul
S, Wiwatanapataphee
B, Wu YH, Lenbury
Y. Effect of non-newtonian
behavior of blood on pulsatile flows
in stenotic arteries. Int J Biomed Sci 2006;1(1):42-6.
Department : Mathematics
Status : Academic Staff
Name : International Journal
of Biomedical Sciences
Indexed in : -
Times Cited from Scopus
- Anantachoke N, Makha M*, Raston CL*, Reutrakul
V, Smith NC, Saunders
M. Fine tuning the production of
nanosized beta-carotene particles
using spinning disk processing. J
Am Chem Soc Oct 2006;128(42):13847-53.
Department : Chemistry
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Name : Journal of the American
Chemical Society / IF =
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
Cited from Scopus
- Anantasomboon G,
Sriurairatana S, Flegel
TW*, Withyachumnarnkul
B. Unique lesions and
viral-like particles found in growth
retarded black tiger shrimp Penaeus
monodon from East Africa. Aquaculture Mar 2006;253(1-4):197-203.
Department : Anatomy / Biotechnology / Centex
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Student (Anatomy)
Name : Aquaculture / IF = 1.374
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, SCOPUS
Times Cited from Scopus
- Anuntagool N*, Wuthiekanun V,
White NJ, Currie BJ, Sermswan RW,
Wongratanacheewin S, Taweechaisupapong
S, Chaiyaroj
SC, Sirisinha
S. Short Report: Lipopolysaccharide
hererogeneity among Burkholderia
pseudomallei from different
geographic and clinical origins. Am
J Trop Med Hyg Mar 2006;74(3):348-352.
Department : Microbiology
Status : Academic Staff
Name : American Journal of Tropical
Medicine and Hygiene / IF = 2.482
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, PubMed
Cited from Scopus
- Anuracpreeda P, Wanichanon
C, Chaithirayanon
K, Preyavichyapugdee
N, Sobhon
P. Distribution of
28.5kDa antigen in the tegument
of adult Fasciola gigantica. Acta
Trop Nov 2006;100(1-2):31-40.
Department : Anatomy
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Name : Acta Tropica / IF = 1.800
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, SciFinder
Cited from Scopus
- Aramwit P*, Kerdcharoen
T, Qi H. In vitro plasma
compatibility study of a nanosuspension
formulation. PDA J Pharm Sci Tech Jul 2006;60(4):211-217.
Department : Physics / Center of Nanoscience
and Nanotechnology
Status : Academic Staff
Name : PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical
Science and Technology / IF = 0.322
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, SCOPUS
Cited from Scopus
- Arthan D, Kittakoop P,
Esen A, Svasti
J*. Furostanol glycoside
26-O-β-glucosidase from the
leaves of Solanum torvum. Phytochemistry Jan 2006;67(1):27-33.
Department : Biochemistry / Center for Excellence
in Protein Structure and Function
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Name : Phytochemistry / IF =
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, PubMed
Cited from Scopus
- Assavalapsakul W, Smith DR*, Panyim
S. Identification and
characterization of a Penaeus
monodon lymphoid cell-expressed
receptor for the yellow head virus. J
Virol Jan 2006;80(1):262-9.
Department : Biochemistry
Status : Academic Staff
Name : Journal of Virology /
IF = 5.178
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, PubMed
Cited = 9
- Asuvapongpatana
S*, Wongprasert
K, Lamers WH. Localization
of glutamine synthetase in adult
and fetal liver of the tree shrew
(Tupaia belangeri). ScienceAsia Dec 2006;32(4):355-9.
Department : Anatomy
Status : Academic Staff
Name : Science Asia
Indexed in : SCOPUS
Times Cited = 0
- Athikomkulchai S, Prawat H, Thasana
N, Ruangrungsi N*, Ruchirawat
S. COX-1, COX-2 inhibitors
and antifungal agents from Croton
hutchinsonianus. Chem
Pharm Bull (Tokyo) Feb 2006;54(2):262-4.
Department : Chemistry
Status : Academic Staff
Name : Chemical and Pharmaceutical
Bulletin / IF = 1.246
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, PubMed
Cited = 2
- Aukkaravittayapun S*, Thanachayanont
C, Theapsiri T, Veerasai
W, Sawada Y, Kondo
T, Tokiwa S, Nishide T. Temperature
programmed desorption of F-doped
SnO2 films deposited
by inverted pyrosol technique. J
Thermal Anal Calorim Sep 2006;85(3):811-5.
Department : Chemistry
Status : Academic Staff / M.Sc.
Name : Journal of Thermal Analysis
and Calorimetry / IF = 1.425
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
Cited = 1
- Auparakkitanon S*, Chapoomram
S, Kuaha K, Chirachariyavej
T, Wilairat
P. Targeting of hematin
by the antimalarial pyronaridine. Antimicrob
Agents Chemother Jun 2006;50(6):2197-200.
Department :Biochemistry
Status : Academic Staff / M.Sc.
Name : Antimicrobial Agents
and Chemotherapy / IF = 4.379
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, PubMed
Cited = 8
- Auparakkitanon S*, Wilairat
P. Antimalarial activity
of concanamycin A alone and in combination
with pyronaridine. Southeast
Asian J Trop Med Public Health July 2006;37(4):619-22.
Department : Biochemistry
Status : Academic Staff
Name : Southeast Asian Journal
of Tropical Medicine and Public
Indexed in : PubMed, SCOPUS,
Cited = 1
- Blackman JA, Poulter
J. Exact calculations
for the ground state properties
of the frustrated 2-dimensional
Ising model. J
Phys Conf Ser 2006;30 139-151.
Department : Mathematics
Status : Academic Staff
Name : Journal of Physics: Conference
Indexed in : SCOPUS
Times Cited = 0
- Boonclarm D, Sornwatana T, Arthan
D, Kongsaeree
P, Svasti
J*. b-Glucosidase
catalyzing specific hydrolysis of
an iridoid b-glucoside
from Plumeria obtusa. Acta
Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai) Aug 2006;38(8):563-70.
Department : Biochemistry / Chemistry / Center
for Excellence in Protein Structure
and Function
Status : Academic Staff / M.Sc.
Student (Biochemistry) / Supporting
Name : Acta Biochimica et Biophysica
Sinica / IF = 0.360
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, PubMed
Cited = 2
- Boondirek A*, Lenbury
Y, Wong-Ekkabut
J, Triampo
W, Tang
IM, Picha P. A stochastic
model of cancer growth with immune
response. J
Korean Phys Soc Oct 2006;49(4):1652-66.
Department : Physics / Mathematics
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Student (Mathematics, Physics)
Name : Journal of the Korean
Physical Society / IF = 0.828
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
Cited = 2
- Boonkaewwan C, Toskulkao
C, Vongsakul
M*. Anti-Inflammatory
and immunomodulatory activities
of stevioside and its metabolite
steviol on THP-1 cells. J
Agric Food Chem Feb 2006;54(3):785-9.
Department : Physiology / Microbiology
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D. Student
Name : Journal of Agricultural
and Food Chemistry / IF = 2.507
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, PubMed
Cited = 8
- Boonkusol D, Gal AB, Bodo
S, Gorhony B, Kitiyanant
Y, Dinnyes A*. Gene expression
profiles and in vitro development
following vitrification of pronuclear
and 8-cell stage mouse embryos. Mol
Reprod Dev Jun 2006;73(6):700-8.
Department : Anatomy
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Name : Molecular Reproduction
and Development / IF = 2.220
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, SciFinder
Cited = 15
- Boonsanongchokying C, Sang-oum
W, Sithigorngul P, Sriurairatana
S, Flegel
TW*. Production of
monoclonal antibodies to polyhedrin
of monodon baculovirus (MBV) from
shrimp. ScienceAsia Dec 2006;32(4):371-6.
Department : Biotechnology /
Centex Shrimp
Status : Academic Staff
Name : ScienceAsia
Indexed in : SCOPUS, Scifinder
Cited = 3
- Buanuam J, Miró
M*, Hansen EH*, Shiowatana
J. On-line dynamic
fractionation and automatic determination
of inorganic phosphorus in environmental
solid substrates exploiting sequential
injection microcolumn extraction
and flow injection analysis. Analytica
Chimica Acta Jun 2006;570(2):224-231.
Department : Chemistry
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Name : Analytica Chimica Acta
/ IF = 2.760
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, SciFinder
Cited = 6
- Buanuam J, Tiptanasup
K, Shiowatana
J*, Miro, M, Hansen
EH. Development of a simple extraction
cell with bi-directional continuous
flow coupled on-line to ICP-MS for
assessment of elemental associations
in solid samples. J
Environ Monitor 2006;8(12):1248-54.
Department : Chemistry
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Name : Journal of Environmental
Monitoring / IF = 1.578
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, SciFinder
Cited = 7
- Bupha-Intr T, Wattanapermpool
J*. Regulatory role
of ovarian sex hormones in calcium
uptake activity of cardiac sarcoplasmic
reticulum. Am
J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol Sep 2006;291(3):H1101-8.
Department : Physiology
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Name : American Journal of Physiology
- Heart and Circulatory Physiology
/ IF = 3.560
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, PubMed
Cited = 7
- Butthep P*, Wanram S, Pattanapanyasat
K, Vattanaviboon P, Fucharoen S, Wilairat
P. Cytoadherence between
endothelial cells and P. falciparum infected and noninfected normal
and thalassemic red blood cells. Cytometry
B Clin Cytom Nov 2006;70(6):432-42.
Department : Biochemistry
Status : Academic Staff
Name : Cytometry Part B: Clinical
Cytometry / IF = 1.742
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, PubMed
Cited = 1
- Chaimuangraj S, Thammachoti R,
Ongphiphadhanakul B, Thammavit
W. Lack of association
of VDR polymorphisms with Thai prostate
cancer as compared with benign prostate
hyperplasia and controls. Asian
Pacific J Cancer Prev 2006;7(1):136-139.
Department : Pathobiology
Status : Academic Staff
Name : Asian Pacific Journal
of Cancer Prevention
Indexed in : SCOPUS, PubMed
Cited = 1
- Chaiprasert A*, Yorsangsukkamol
J, Prammananan T, Palittapongarnpim
P, Leechawengwong M,
Dhiraputra C. Intact pks15/1 in non-W-Beijing Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates. Emerg
Infect Dis May 2006;12(5):772-774.
Department : Microbiology (**Faculty
name not mentioned in address)
Status : Academic Staff
Name : Emerging Infectious Diseases
/ IF = 5.094
Indexed in : SCOPUS
Cited = 4
- Chaisawang M, Suphantharika
M*. Pasting and rheological
properties of native and anionic
tropioca starched as modified by
guar gum and xanthan gum. Food
Hydrocolloid Jul 2006;20(5):641-9.
Department : Biotechnology
Status : Academic Staff / M.Sc.
Journal Name : Food Hydrocolloids
/ IF = 1.949
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
Cited = 14

- Hottest Articles on ScienceDirect,
during Jan-Mar 06 (rank#6)
- Hottest Articles on ScienceDirect,
during Jul-Sep 06 (rank#14)
- Chaithirayanon K,
Grams R, Vichasri-Grams
S, Hofmann A, Korge
G, Viyanant V, Upatham ES, Sobhon
P*. Molecular and immunological
characterization of encoding gene
and 14-3-3 protein 1 in Fasciola
gigantica. Parasitology Dec 2006;133(6):763-75.
Department : Anatomy / Biology
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Student (Anatomy)
Journal Name : Parasitology
/ IF = 1.703
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, SCOPUS
Times Cited = 0
- Chaiyut N, Amornsakchai
T*, Kaji H, Horii F*. Solid-state 13C NMR investigation
of the structure and dynamics of
highly drawn polyethylene - detection
of the oriented non-crystalline
component . Polymer Mar 2006;47(7):2470-81.
Department : Chemistry
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Journal Name : Polymer /
IF = 2.849
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, SCOPUS
Cited = 4
- Chantara W, Watcharasit P, Thiantanawat
A, Satayavivad
J*. Acrylonitrile-induced
extracellular signal-regulated kinase
(ERK) activation via protein kinase
(PKC) in SK-N-SH neuroblastoma cells. J
Applied Toxicol Nov 2006;26:517-23.
Department : Pharmacology
Status : Academic Staff
Journal Name : Journal of
Applied Toxicology / IF = 1.850
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
Cited = 1
- Chaovipoch P,
Jelks KAB, Gerhold LM, West EJ, Chongthammakun
S, Floyd CL. 17b-Estradiol
Is protective in spinal cord injury
in post- and pre-menopausal rats. J
Neurotrauma Jun 2006;23(6):830-52.
Department : Anatomy
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Journal Name : Journal of
Neurotrauma / IF = 2.574
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
Cited = 8
- Charoenphandhu
N, Limlomwongse
L, Krishnamra
N*. Prolactin directly
enhanced Na+/K+-
and Ca2+-ATPase activities
in the duodenum of female rats. Can
J Physiol Pharmacol May 2006;84(5):555-63.
Department : Physiology
Status : Academic Staff
Journal Name : Canadian Journal
of Physiology and Pharmacology /
IF = 1.522
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
Cited = 5
- Charoenphandhu
N, Tudpor K,
Pulsook N, Krishnamra
N*. Chronic metabolic
acidosis stimulated transcellular
and solvent drag-induced calcium
transport in the duodenum of female
rats. Am
J Physiol-Gastroint Liver Physiol Sep 2006;291(3):G446-G455.
Department : Physiology / Consortium for Calcium
and Bone Research
Status : Academic Staff / Supporting
Journal Name : American Journal
of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and
Liver Physiology / IF = 3.472
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
Cited = 10
- Cha-um S*, Supaibulwatana
K, Kirdmanee C. Water relation,
photosynthetic ability and growth
of Thai jasmine rice (Oryza sativa L. ssp indica cv. KDML 105)
to salt stress by application of
exogenous glycinebetaine and choline. J
Agron Crop Sci Feb 2006;192(1):25-36.
Department : Biotechnology
Status : Academic Staff
Name : Journal of Agronomy and
Crop Science / IF = 0.759
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
Cited = 7
- Chauvatcharin N, Ahantarig A, Baimai
V, Kittayapong
P*. Bacteriophage WO-B
and Wolbachia in natural
mosquito hosts: infection incidence,
transmission mode and relative density. Mol
Ecol Aug 2006;15(9):2451-2461.
Department : Biology / Center for Vectors and
Vector-Borne Diseases
Status : Academic Staff / PostDoc.
Journal Name : Molecular
Ecology / IF = 4.301
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
Cited = 5
- Chetsawang B*, Putthaprasart C, Phansuwan-Pujito P, Govitrapong
P. Melatonin protects
against hydrogen peroxide-induced
cell death signaling in SH-SY5Y
cultured cells: involvement of nuclear
factor kappa B, Bax and Bcl-2. J
Pineal Res Sep 2006;41(2):116-123.
Department : Pharmacology / Center for Neuroscience
Status : Academic Staff
Journal Name : Journal of
Pineal Research / IF = 5.025
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
Cited = 9
- Chinworrungsee M*,
Kittakoop P, Saenboonrueng J, Kongsaeree
P, Thebtaranonth Y.
Bioactive Compounds from the Seed
Fungus Menisporopsis theobromae BCC 3975. J
Nat Prod Oct 2006;69(10):1404-10.
Department : Chemistry
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Journal Name : Journal of
Natural Products / IF = 2,267
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, SciFinder
Cited = 2
- Chirachariyavej T*, Amnueypol
C, Sanggarnjanavanich S, Tiensuwan
M. The Relationship
between Bone and Ash Weight to Age,
Body Weight and Body Length of Thai
Adults after Cremation. J
Med Assoc Thai Nov 2006;89(11):1940-5.
Department : Mathematics
Status : Academic Staff / M.Sc.
Student (Forensic Science)
Journal Name : Journal of
the Medical Association of Thailand
Indexed in : PubMed
Cited = 1
- Chirachariyavej T*, Ouyswat
K, Sanggarnjanavanich S, Tiensuwan
M, Peonim V, Sirikulchayanonta
V. Normal internal organ weight
of Thai adults correlated to body
length and body weight. J
Med Assoc Thai Oct 2006;89(10):1702-12.
Department : Mathematics
Status : Academic Staff / M.Sc.
Student (Forensic Science)
Journal Name : Journal of
the Medical Association of Thailand
Indexed in : PubMed
Cited = 2
- Choengchan N*, Mantim T, Wilairat
P, Dasgupta PK, Motomizu
S, Nacapricha
D. A membraneless gas
diffusion unit: Design and its application
to determination of ethanol in liquors
by spectrophotometric flow injection. Anal
Chim Acta Oct 2006;579(1):33-7.
Department : Chemistry
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Journal Name : Analytica
Chimica Acta / IF = 2.760
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
Cited = 4
- Chomcheon P, Sriubolmas N, Wiyakrutta
S, Ngamrojanavanich
N, Chaichit N, Mahidol C, Ruchirawat
S, Kittakoop P*. Cyclopentenones,
scaffolds for organic syntheses
produced by the endophytic fungus
mitosporic dothideomycete sp. LRUB20. J
Nat Prod Sep 2006;69(9):1351-3.
Department : Microbiology
Status : Academic Staff
Journal Name : Journal of
Natural Products / IF = 2.267
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, PudMed
Cited = 2
- Chookajorn
T*, Hartl DL. Position-specific
polymorphism of Plasmodium falciparum stuttering motif in a PHISTc PFI1780w. Exp
Parasitol Oct 2006;114(2):126-8.
Department : Biochemistry
Status : Academic Staff
Journal Name : Experimental
Parasitology / IF = 1.306
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, SCOPUS
Times Cited = 0
- Chotivanich K, Sattabongkot J, Udomsangpetch
R, Looareesuwan S,
Day NP, Coleman RE, White NJ*. Transmission-blocking
activities of quinine, primaquine,
and artesunate. Antimicrob
Agents Chemother Jun 2006;50(6):1927-30.
Department : Pathobiology
Status : Academic Staff
Journal Name : Antimicrobial
Agents and Chemotherapy / IF = 4.379
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
Cited = 7
- Chuchue T, Tanboon
W, Prapagdee B, Dubbs JM, Vattanaviboon
P*, Mongkolsuk
S*. ohrR and ohr are the primary sensor/regulator
and protective genes against organic
hydroperoxide stress in Agrobacterium
tumefaciens. J
Bacteriol Feb 2006;188(3):842-51.
Department : Biotechnology
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Journal Name : Journal of
Bacteriology / IF = 4.167
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, SCOPUS
Cited = 9
- Chuenchor W, Pengthaisong S, Yuvaniyama
J, Opassiri R, Svasti
J, Ketudat Cairns JR.
Purification, crystallization and
preliminary X-ray analysis of rice
BGlu1 b-glucosidase
with and without 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-b-D-glucoside. Acta
Crystallograph Sect F Struct Biol
Cryst Commun Aug 2006;62(Pt 8):798-801.
Department : Biochemistry / Center for Excellence
in Protein Structure and Function
Status : Academic Staff
Journal Name : Acta Crystallographica
Section F-Structural Biology and
Crystallization Communications /
IF = <N/A>
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, PubMed
Cited = 3
- Chuncher S, Somana
R*. Microvascularization of
thalamus and metathalamus in common
tree shrew (Tupaia glis). Anat
Embryol (Berl) Jun 2006;211(3):173-81.
Department : Anatomy
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Journal Name : Anatomy and
Embryology / IF = 1.255
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, SCOPUS
Times Cited =0
- Damrongphol
P*, Suwannarong
K. Effects of N6,2'-O-dibutyryl
cyclic adenosine monophosphate and
the leukemia inhibitory factor on
embryo development of the giant
freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium
rosenbergii. Invertebr
Reprod Dev Jul 2006;49(1-2):71-77.
Department : Biology
Status : Academic Staff / M.Sc.
Name : Invertebrate Reproduction
& Development / IF = 0.562
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
Times Cited = 0
- Eiamphungporn W, Charoenlap N, Vattanaviboon
P, Mongkolsuk
S*. Agrobacterium
tumefaciens soxR is
involved in superoxide stress protection
and also directly regulates superoxide-inducible
expression of itself and a target
gene. J
Bacteriol Dec 2006;188(24):8669-73.
Department : Biotechnology
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Name : Journal of Bacteriology
/ IF = 4.167
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, SCOPUS
Cited = 5
- Fisher B, Nonlaopon K, Sritanratana
G. Some commutative
neutrix convolutions involving the
fresnel integrals. Sarajevo
J Math 2006;2(14):11-21.
Department : Mathematics
Status : Academic Staff
Journal Name : Sarajevo Journal
of Mathematics
Indexed in : MathSciNet,
Zentralblatt MATH
Times Cited =0
- Flegel
TW. Detection of major
penaeid shrimp viruses in Asia,
a historical perspective with emphasis
on Thailand. Aquaculture Aug 2006;258(1-4):1-33.
Department : Biotechnology / Centex Shrimp
Status : Academic Staff
Journal Name : Aquaculture
/ IF = 1.374
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, PubMed
Cited = 16
- Flegel
TW*. The special danger
of viral pathogens in shrimp translocated
for aquaculture. ScienceAsia Sep 2006;32(3):215-21.
Department : Biotechnology / Centex Shrimp
Status : Academic Staff
Journal Name : ScienceAsia
Indexed in : SCOPUS
Cited = 1
- Foger F, Noonpakdee
W, Loretz B, Joojuntr
S, Salvenmoser W, Thaler
M, Bernkop-Schnurch A*. Inhibition
of malarial topoisomerase II in Plasmodium falciparum by
antisense nanoparticles. Int
J Pharm Aug 2006;319(1-2):139-46.
Department : Biochemistry
Status : Academic Staff / M.Sc.
Journal Name : International
Journal of Pharmaceutics / IF =
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, PubMed
Cited = 7
Foger F, Noonpakdee
W, Loretz B, Joojuntr
S, Salvenmoser W, Thaler
M, Bernkop-Schnurch A*.Corrigendum
to "Inhibition of malarial
topoisomerase II in Plasmodium
falciparum by antisense nanoparticles"
[Int. J. Pharm. 319 (2006) 139-146]
(DOI:10.1016/j.ijpharm.2006.03.034). Int
J Pharm Dec 2006;327(1-2):178. (Correction)
- Gangnonngiw W, Ramasootra P, Soowannayan
C, Sithigorngul P, Sriurairatana
S, Sritunyalucksana K, Flegel
TW*. Selection and
testing phage-displayed YHV-binding
peptides for possible detection
of yellow head virus (YHV) in shrimp. ScienceAsia Dec 2006;32(4):395-401.
Department : Biotechnology / Centex Shrimp
Status : Academic Staff
Journal Name : ScienceAsia
Indexed in : SCOPUS, SciFinder
Times Cited = 0
- Graidist P, Fujise K, Wanna W, Sritunyalucksana K,
Phongdara A*. Establishing a role
for shrimp fortilin in preventing
cell death. Aquaculture May 2006;255(1-4):157-164.
Department : Centex Shrimp
Status : Research Staff
Journal Name : Aquaculture
/ IF = 1.627
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, PubMed
Cited = 3
- Grams R*, Adisakwattana P, Ritthisunthorn
N, Eursitthichai V, Vichasri-Grams
S, Viyanant V. The
saposin-like proteins 1, 2, and
3 of Fasciola gigantica. Mol
Biochem Parasitol Aug 2006;148(2):133-43.
Department : Biology
Status : Academic Staff
Journal Name : Molecular
and Biochemical Parasitology / IF
= 2.733
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, PubMed
Cited = 5
- Hanchar HJ*, Chutsrinopkun
P, Meera P, Supavilai
P, Sieghart W, Wallner
M*, Olsen RW. Ethanol potently and
competitively inhibits binding of
the alcohol antagonist Ro15-4513
to a4/6b3d GABAA receptors. PNAS May 2006;103(22):8546-8551.
Department : Pharmacology
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Journal Name : Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences
/ IF = 10.231
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
Cited = 31
- Herbreteau V*, Demoraes F, Hugot
J-P, Kittayapong
P, Salem G, Souris
M, Gonzalez J-P. Perspectives on
applied spatial analysis to animal
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and packing structure between a
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and the linear model compounds. J Phys Chem B Oct 2006;110(42):20858-64.
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Journal Name : Journal of
Physical Chemistry B / IF = 4.033
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G. Western immunoblot
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Journal of Tropical Medicine and
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J*. Determination of
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P. Increase of glutamate/N-methyl-d-aspartate
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and Expression / IF = 2.506
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Times Cited =
- Ounnunkad S*, Winotai
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Times Cited =
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P, Phanichphant S.
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Times Cited =
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Department : Chemistry / Center for Excellence
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Organic Chemistry / IF = 3.675
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
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Journal Name : World Transactions
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Abstracts, EMBASE
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Journal of Science and Technology
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Department : Biochemistry
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Times Cited =
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V*, Chanakul
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V*, Jaratjaroonphong
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M. Samarium dienolate
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P. Challenging successive
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/ Biology / Center for Vectors and
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Times Cited =
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PD. Cooperative provisioning
of nestlings in the White-crested
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WY. A comparison of bird communities
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P*. Wolbachia transinfection
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Indexed in : ISI-WOS
Times Cited =
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J Parasitol Nov 2006
Department : Biology / Anatomy
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Student (Biology)
Journal Name : International
Journal for Parasitology / IF =
Indexed in : ISI-WOS , SCOPUS
Times Cited =
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M, Navasumrit P, Settachan
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Indexed in : ISI-WOS
Times Cited =
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D, Chuychai P, Matthaeus
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Indexed in : ISI-WOS
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P*. 5-Hydroxytryptamine
enhances larval development of the
giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium
rosenbergii. Aquaculture Feb 2006;251(2-4):567-572.
Department : Biology
Status : Academic Staff / M.Sc.
Journal Name : Aquaculture
/ IF = 1.374
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
Times Cited =
- Tankanitlert J*,
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U. A pharmacokinetic
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J clin Pharmacol Sep 2006;62(9):743-8.
Department : Pharmacology
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
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Journal Name : European Journal
of Clinical Pharmacology / IF =
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
Times Cited =
- Tansatit T, Sahaphong
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P*. Immunolocalization of
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of the 3-week-old juvenile and adult Fasciola gigantica. Vet Parasitol Feb 2006;135(3-4):269-78.
Department : Anatomy / Pathobiology
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Student (Pathobiology)
Journal Name : Veterinary
Parasitology / IF = 1.686
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, PubMed
Times Cited =
- Tantidanai N, Veerasai
W*, Beckett R. Comparison
of gravitational SPLITT fractionation
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Sci Technol 2006;41(13):3003-25.
Department : Chemistry
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D. Student
Journal Name : Separation
Science and Technology / IF = 0.834
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, SciFinder
Times Cited =
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Mol Struc - Theochem Feb 2006;760(1-3):189-92.
Department : Chemistry
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D. Student / M.Sc. Student
/ B.Sc. Student
Journal Name : Journal of
Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM /
IF = 1.045
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, PubMed
Times Cited =
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during Jan-Mar 06 (rank#12)
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V, Udomkit A, Jitrapakdee
S, Sritunyalucksana
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K, Pichyangkura R, Lursinsap C. Penaeus monodon gene
discovery project: The generation
of an EST collection and establishment
of a database. Gene Dec 2006;384(1-2):104-2.
Department : Biochemistry / Centex Shrimp
Status : Academic Staff / Research
Journal Name : Gene / IF
= 2.694
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Times Cited =
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C, Klinbunga S, Chusacultanachai
S, Jenjittikul
T. Genetic variation
and species identification of Thai Boesenbergia (Zingiberaceae)
analyzed by chloroplast DNA polymorphism. J
Biochem Mol Biol Jul 2006;39(4):361-370.
Department : Plant Science
Status : Academic Staff
Journal Name : Journal of
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
/ IF = 1.548
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Times Cited =
- Thammakan N, Somsook
E*. Synthesis and thermal
decomposition of cadmium dithiocarbamate
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Department : Chemistry
Status : Academic Staff / M.Sc. Student
Journal Name : Materials
Letters / IF = 1.299
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, SCOPUS
Times Cited =
- Thammasirirak S*, Ponkham P, Preecharram
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Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol Jun 2006;143(2):209-17.
Department : Biochemistry / Center for Excellence
in Protein Structure and Function
Status : Academic Staff
Journal Name : Comparative
Biochemistry and Physiology Part
C: Toxicology & Pharmacology
/ IF = 1.456
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, PubMed
Times Cited =
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during Jul-Sep 06 (rank#16)
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V. Molecular phylogeny
of black flies (Diptera : Simuliidae)
from Thailand, using ITS2 rDNA. Genetica Sep 2006;128(1-3):177-204.
Department : Biology / Center for Vector and
Vector-Borne Diseases
Status : Academic Staff / M.Sc.
Journal Name : Genetica /
IF = 1.772
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
Times Cited =
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J Pharmaco Dec 2006;553(1-3):39-45.
Department : Pharmacology
Status : Academic Staff
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of Pharmacology / IF = 2.477
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S, Sinha BK. On a Comparison
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Department : Mathematics
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Journal Name : Communications
in Statistics: Simulation and Computation
/ IF = 0.719
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, SCOPUS
Times Cited =
- Tongchusak S, Pongsunk
S, Watkins P, Chaiyaroj
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Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Name : ScienceAsia
Indexed in : SCOPUS, SciFinder
Times Cited =
- Tongjaroenbuangam W, Jongkamonwiwat
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J Neurosci Oct 2006;24(7):1987-94.
Department : Pharmacology / Center for Neuroscience
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of Neuroscience / IF = 2.477
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Times Cited =
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T, Hannongbua S. Simulations
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Department : Physics - Center of Nanoscience
and Nanotechnology
Status : Academic Staff
Journal Name : Journal of
Physical Chemistry A / IF = 2.898
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, SCOPUS
Times Cited =
- Toonkool P, Metheenukul P, Sujiwattanarat
P, Paiboon P, Tongtubtim N, Ketudat-Cairns
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J*. Expression and
purification of dalcochinase, a
b-glucosidase from Dalbergia
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yeast and bacterial hosts. Protein
Expr Purif Aug 2006;48(2):195-204.
Department : Biochemistry / Center for Excellence
in Protein Structure and Function
Status : Academic Staff
Journal Name : Protein Expression
and Purification / IF = 1.553
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, PubMed
Times Cited =
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during Jul-Sep 06 (rank#17)
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P*. Different effets
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of Pharmacology / IF = 2.477
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SciFinder, PubMed
Times Cited =
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T, Kerdcharoen
T, Osotchan
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Department : Physics / Center of Nanoscience
and Nanotechnology
Status : Academic Staff
Journal Name : Macromolecules
/ IF = 4.024
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, SCOPUS
Times Cited =
- Treerattrakool S, Udomkit A*, Panyim
S. Anti-CHH antibody
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/ IF = 1.548
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Journal Name : Journal of
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Indexed in : ISI-WOS
Times Cited =
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Times Cited =
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Times Cited =
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Indexed in : ISI-WOS, Scitation
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Journal Name : Plant Molecular
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Times Cited =
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Times Cited =
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Journal Name : Nuclear Instruments
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and Atoms / IF = 1.181
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Times Cited =
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Compumath Citation Index
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Indexed in : ISI-WOS
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Journal Name : Acta Crystallographica
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during Oct-Dec 05(rank#7)
- Yimkao P, Srikosamatara
S*. Ecology and site-based
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Department : Biology
Status : Academic Staff / M.Sc.
Journal Name : Natural History
Bulletin of the Siam Society
Indexed in : BA, Zoological
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- Yodmuang S, Tirasophon W*, Roshorm
Y, Chinnirunvong W, Panyim
S. YHV-protease dsRNA inhibits
YHV replication in Penaeus monodon and prevents mortality. Biochem
Bioph Res Co Mar 2006;341(2):351-6.
Department : Biochemistry
Status : Academic Staff
Journal Name : Biochemical
and Biophysical Research Communications
/ IF = 3.000
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, SCOPUS
Cited = 23
- Yoganandhan K*,
Leartvibhas M, Sriwongpuk S, Limsuwan
C. White tail disease of the giant
freshwater prawn Macrobrachium
rosenbergii in Thailand. Dis
Aquat Organ Apr 2006;69(2-3):255-8.
Department : Centex Shrimp
Status : Research Staff
Journal Name : Diseases of
Aquatic Organisms / IF = 1.361
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
Cited = 6
- Yunyongwattanakorn J, Sakdapipanich
JT. Physical property
changes in commercial natural rubbers
during long term storage. Rubber
Chem Technol 2006;79(1):72-81.
Department : Chemistry
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Journal Name : Rubber Chemistry
and Technology/ IF = 0.899
Indexed in : ISI-WOS, SCOPUS
Times Cited = 0
- Zhang S, Prabpai S, Kongsaeree
P, Arvidsson PI. Poly-N-methylated a-peptides:
synthesis and X-ray structure determination
of ß-strand forming foldamers. Chem
Commun (Camb) Feb 2006;(5):497-9.
Department : Chemistry
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D. Student
Journal Name : Chemical Communications
/ IF = 4.426
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
Cited = 3
Papers in Newsletter : 1 Aricle
- Round P, Phothieng
D. The importance of the gulf of
Thailand for shorebirds. Tattler Jan 2006; p3.
Department : Biology
Status : Academic Staff
Journal Name : Tattler :
Newsletter for the Asia Pacific
Indexed in : -
Papers in International Proceedings : 6 Articles
Papers in National Proceedings : 2 Aricles
- Kongchoke C, Sunetnanta
T. Decentralized construction
of active views for web access control. 10th National
Computer Science and Engineering
Conference 2006 (NCSEC2006), October 25-27, 2006, Khon Kaen,
Thailand. pp. 626-33.
Department : Computer Science
Status : Academic Staff / M.Sc.
- Pornpanomchai
C, Daveloh M . Printed
Thai character recognition by genetic
algorithm. 10th
National Computer Science and Engineering
Conference 2006 (NCSEC2006), October 25-27, 2006, Khon Kaen,
Thailand. pp. 215-21 .
Department : Computer Science
Status : Academic Staff / M.Sc.
Abstracts in International Proceedings : 21 Aricles
- Ajjimaporn A, Klongpanichpak S,
Phansuwan-Pujito P, Sanvarinda
Y, Chongthammakun
S, Govitrapong P.
Melatonin protects D-amphetamine-induced
cell death in SK-N-SH dopamine cell.
J Neurochem Jul 2006;98(Suppl. 1):117.
Department : Anatomy / Pharmacology
Status : Academic Staff
Journal Name : Journal of
Neurochemistry / IF = 4.604
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
- Chongthammakun V, Sanvarinda
Y, Chongthammakun S.
Oxidative stress and MAPK activation
are implicated in tetrahydrobiopterin-induced
dopaminergic cell death in SH-SY5Y
cells. J
Neurochem Jul 2006;98(Suppl. 1):116.
Department : Anatomy / Pharmacology
Status : Academic Staff
Journal Name : Journal of
Neurochemistry / IF = 4.604
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
- Kaewsuk S, Govitrapong
P. Neonatal amphetamine
administration alters dopamine receptor
gene expression in rat nucleus accumbens,
striatum and prefrontal cortex. J Neurochem Jul 2006;98(Suppl. 1):32.
Department : Pharmacology
Status : Academic Staff
Journal Name : Journal of
Neurochemistry / IF = 4.604
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
- Laosiripisan J, Wattanapermpool J.
Cardioprotective effects of exercise
training on the altered SR CA(2+)-uptake
function in ovariectomized rats. J
Mol Cell Cardiol Jun 2006;40(6):910-1.
Department : Physiology
Status : Academic Staff / M.Sc.
Journal Name : Journal of
Molecular and Cellular Cardiology
/ IF = 3.872
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
- Noonpakdee
W, Foger F. Inhibition
of P. falciparum proliferation by
antisense and antisense nanoparticles
against malarial topoisomerase II. FEBS J Jun 2006;273(Suppl.1):66.
Department : Biochemistry
Status : Academic Staff
Name : FEBS Journal /
IF <N/A>
in : ISI-WOS
- Pornchai R, Toskulkao
T, Vatanatunyakum S, Vatanatunyakum
S, Sanvarinda Y, Govitrapong P.
Reduced opioid receptor number in
lymphocytes of heroin users.
J Neurochem Jul 2006;98(Suppl. 1):32.
Department : Physiology / Pharmacology
Status : Academic Staff
Journal Name : Journal of
Neurochemistry / IF = 4.604
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
- Takmeura H, Anantamongkol
U, Krishnamra N,
Horio Y. Regulation of Ca2+ mobilization
by prolactin in mammary gland cells. J Pharmacol
Sci 2006;100:181P-181P.
Department : Physiology
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Journal Name : Journal of
Pharmacological Sciences / IF =
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
- Tradtrantip L,
Chuncharunee A, Piyachaturawat
P. Modulating effect of
hydroxyacetophenones on hepato-biliary
excretion of horseradish peroxidase
in rats. Faseb
J Mar 2006;20(5):A1278-A1278.
Department : Physiology
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D. Student
Journal Name : FASEB Journal
/ IF = 7.064
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
- Wongwitdecha N,
Panya P, Yoopan N, Rittilert P.
Psychological stress increases the
antidepressant-like effect of buspirone
and barakol in the rats. Int
J Neuropsychoph Jul 2006;9(Suppl.1):S174-S174.
Department : Pharmacology
Status : Academic Staff
Journal Name : International
Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
/ IF = 3.981
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
- Wongwitdecha N,
Soo-ampon S, Ritilert P, Verawatnapakul
V. Anxiolytic and antidepressant
effects of barakol . Int
J Neuropsychoph Jul 2006;9(Suppl.1):S67-S67.
Department : Pharmacology / Physiology
Status : Academic Staff
Journal Name : International
Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
/ IF = 3.981
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
- Wongwitdecha N,
Thaidee H. Social isolation decreases
the locomotor activity in caffeine-treated
rats. Int
J Neuropsychoph Jul 2006;9(Suppl.1):S208-S208.
Department : Pharmacology
Status : Academic Staff
Journal Name : International
Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
/ IF = 3.981
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
from the 15th World Congress of
Pharmacology, July 2-7,2006 Beijing,China
Nattaporn Y, Noppamars
W. Early life stress
alters the open field behavior
of female adult rats. Acta
Pharmacologica SinicaJuly 2006;27(Suppl 1):78.
Department : Pharmacology
Status : Academic Staff /
M.Sc. Student
Journal Name : Acta Pharmacologica
Sinica / IF = 1.123
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
- Sompop S, Noppamars W.
Psychological stress increases the
anxiolytic - like effect of nitric
oxide synthase inhibitor, L-NAME. Acta Pharmacologica
SinicaJuly 2006;27(Suppl
Department : Pharmacology
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Journal Name : Acta Pharmacologica
Sinica / IF = 1.123
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
- Panee R, Noppamars W.
Effects of carbamazepine and lithium
on the open field behavior of isolation
stress rats. Acta
Pharmacologica SinicaJuly 2006;27(Suppl 1):79.
Department : Pharmacology
Status : Academic Staff / M.Sc.
Journal Name : Acta Pharmacologica
Sinica / IF = 1.123
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
- Noppamars W, Panee R,
Sompop S. Antidressant
- like effect of barakol in stress
rats. Acta
Pharmacologica SinicaJuly 2006;27(Suppl 1):90.
Department : Pharmacology
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Student / M.Sc. Student
Journal Name : Acta Pharmacologica
Sinica / IF = 1.123
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
- Udomuksorn W, Mackenzie
P, Lewis B, Elliot D, Yoovathaworn
K, Miners J. Coding region
mutations in UGT1A1 impair
bilirubin and xenobiotic glucuronidation. Acta Pharmacologica
SinicaJuly 2006;27(Suppl
Department : Pharmacology
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Journal Name : Acta Pharmacologica
Sinica / IF = 1.123
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
- Chantharaksri U, Tankanitlert
J, Morales NP, Fucharoen
S. A pharmacokinetic study of paracetamol
in Thai Beta-thalassemia / HbE patients. Acta Pharmacologica
SinicaJuly 2006;27(Suppl
Department : Pharmacology
Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D.
Journal Name : Acta Pharmacologica
Sinica / IF = 1.123
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
- Sanvarinda Y, Phivthongngam
L, Ratanachamnong P, Piyachaturawat
P. Hypocholesterolemic
effects of Curcuma comosa in cholesterol - fed rabbits. Acta
Pharmacologica SinicaJuly 2006;27(Suppl 1):344.
Department : Pharmacology / Physiology
Status : Academic Staff / Supporting
Journal Name : Acta Pharmacologica
Sinica / IF = 1.123
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
- Phivthong-ngam L, Sanvarinda
Y, Wanikiat P. Curcuminoids
exhibit prophylactic effect on atherosclerosis
in cholesterol - fed rabbits. Acta
Pharmacologica SinicaJuly 2006;27(Suppl 1):345.
Department : Pharmacology
Status : Academic Staff
Journal Name : Acta Pharmacologica
Sinica / IF = 1.123
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
- Wanikiat P, Sricharoen
N, Uthaisincharoen P, Panthong
K, Reutrakul V.
Effects of quinolic and anthraquinolic
compounds from Ventilago harmandiana Pierre on the production of inflammatory
mediators in activated macrophages. Acta Pharmacologica
SinicaJuly 2006;27(Suppl
Department : Pharmacology / Microbiology /
Status : Academic Staff / M.Sc.
Student (Pharmacology)
Journal Name : Acta Pharmacologica
Sinica / IF = 1.123
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
- Supavilai P, Pinwaha S, Aramphongphan
A, Yoovathaworn K, Payong W, Sinrachatanant Y, Sanvarinda
Y. Neuroprotective effects
of Ganoderma lucidum in
human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. Acta Pharmacologica
SinicaJuly 2006;27(Suppl
Department : Pharmacology
Status : Academic Stafff / Ph.D.
Journal Name : Acta Pharmacologica
Sinica / IF = 1.123
Indexed in : ISI-WOS
Note : include papers from Ph.D. Students, Postdoctoral Researchers, Adjunct Staff, Research Staff