
Faculty of Science, Mahidol University's Awards


Professor Dr.Yongwimon Lenbury
TRF Senior Research Scholar (Mathematics) Year 2002


Biography and Research Summary


Professor Dr. Yongwimon Lenbury was born in Bangkok on August 23, 1952. Following primary and secondary education in Thailand, she went abroad to study under the Columbo Plan Scholarship and received a B.Sc. and an M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics from the Australian National University. She later received a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Vanderbilt University in the United States and returned to the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University to teach, and conduct research in dynamical modelling of nonlinear systems in biology and medicine, and guide students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. She was appointed Professor of Mathematics in 1996.


From her research contributions, she was meritoriously given the Outstanding Researcher Award in the field of Physical Science and Mathematics from the National Research Council in 1998.


Professor Lenbury's research interests are in the construction and analysis of mathematical models of systems in biology and medical science. Research in dynamical modelling of physiological processes such as the hormone cortisol secretion system in normal man or the electrical activity of the pancreatic ß-cells has yielded a number of publications in international journals. Her future endeavors will be devoted to the development of a strong team of researchers in this common field of interest. Since virtually all systems that surround us are nonlinear, this is still an open field where new methodologies and discoveries can still an open field where new methodologies and discoveries can still be put forward, yielding new and valuable insights for the advancement of science and technology.