12 - 14 December 2012 |
2012 Malaysia - Thailand Graduate Forum in Life Science, Food Science and Agriculture
Handout |
12 December 2012 |
บรรยายพิเศษ How Science Changes Our Lives โดย Prof.Douglas D. Osheroff
นักวิทยาศาสตร์รางวัลโนเบลสาขาฟิสิกส์ ปี 1996
ณ ห้องอาหารจีนหยวน โรงแรมมิลเลนเนียม ฮิลตัน กรุงเทพฯ |
November 2012 -
April 2013 |
Intensive Preparation Course for the 17 students from the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
Comprehensive Summary of Intensive Pre-college Course and Activity
Participants |
25November - 15 December 2012 |
International Training Course in Advanced Teaching in Biomedical Sciences
Schedule for Advanced Teaching in Biomedical Sciences
Orientation Day |
3 October 2012 |
Niigata University, Center for Trandisciplinary Research |
28 August -
11 October 2012 |
The participants from Bangladesh's join the "Training program on Stem cell technology and
Flowcytometry" |
10 August 2012 |
ASEAN Day Party (ชมรมเรียนรู้สู่อาเซียน Learning to be ASEAN Club) |
10 August 2012 |
Columbia University, USA |
11July 2012 |
Exchange Students From University of Wisconsin -Madison, USA |
29 June 2012 |
Mahidol-Liverpool Symposium 2012 on Material Sciences and Environmental Sciences |
22 - 29 June 2012 |
The participants from Bangladesh's Medical Colleges join the "Training program on Biomedical Science"
Schedule for short course training
22 June 2012 |
Mahidol University International Night 2012 |
/images/550622_1.jpg) |
19 June 2012 |
Mahidol University International Week 2012 "Intercultural Workshop" |
/images/wide.jpg) |
11 June 2012 |
Osaka University, Visited Faculty of Science Promote IPBS Program |
24 April 2012 |
Prof. Hideo Nagashima, Vice-President of Kyushu University
Visited Faculty of Science |
18 April 2012 |
Mr. Eduard Mandell, Managing Director of knowledge Exchange Institute (KEI), USA
Visited Faculty of Science |
4-6 April 2012 |
APAIE Conference and Exhibition 2012 |
3 April 2012 |
University of California Riverside, USA |
23 March 2012 |
University of Technology Sydney, Australia visit MUSC |
23 March 2012 |
Kyushu University, Japan visit MUSC |
17 March 2012 |
CU-KSU Thai Cultural Trip |
16 March 2012 |
CU-KSU Farewell Dinner |
15-16 March 2012 |
CU-KSU Visit Department
15 March visited Department of Biotechnology
16 March visited Department of
Microbiology, Anatomy |
16 March 2012 |
CU-KSU 2012 Grad Forum |
15 March 2012 |
2012 CU-KSU-MUSC Joint Seminar in Science and Technology |
14 March 2012 |
CU-KSU Welcome dinner |
14 March 2012 |
CU-KSU Campus Tour at Mahidol University Sayala |
8 March 2012 |
1st Inter-ASEAN Fruit Fly Research Group Meeting
School of Life Sciences and Technology,
Institut Teknologi Bandung |
29 Feb 2012 |
Australian Endeavour Awards 2013 |
17 Feb 2012 |
การเข้า่ร่วมเสวนา "ทศวรรษใหม่เศรษฐกิจไทย-อินเดีย" |
9 Jan 2012 |
UK - Souteast Asia Partners in Science ,New Aproaches to Emerging Energy System |